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Bakson Leuco Aid Tablets for irregular, delayed menses, white discharge

Bakson Leuco Aid Tablets for irregular, delayed menses, white discharge

Regular price Rs. 185.00
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Homeopathic Leuco Aid for irregular, delayed menses, white discharge.

Bakson's Leuco Aid Tablets are a homoeopathic remedy for leucorrhea, there is limited scientific evidence to support their effectiveness. This information is for educational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional for diagnosis and treatment of leucorrhea.

Potential Benefits:

Bakson's Leuco Aid Tablets are a homeopathic combination formulated to address vaginal discharge (leucorrhea). Here's a breakdown of its key ingredients and potential benefits:

Key Ingredients and Potential Actions:

  • Alumina (Alumina): This homeopathic ingredient may help manage leucorrhea that is scanty, thick, and sticky, and worsens with daytime activity.
  • Borax (Borax veneta): Potentially addresses profuse, watery, and white or greenish-white vaginal discharge.
  • Sepia (Sepia officinalis): May offer relief from leucorrhea that is yellowish or greenish, accompanied by emotional symptoms like low mood or irritability.
  • Kreosotum (Kreosotum): This ingredient is used homeopathicly for leucorrhea with a foul odor or burning sensation.
  • Pulsatilla Nigricans (Pulsatilla): May help manage leucorrhea that is mild, creamy, and accompanied by tearfulness or mood swings.

Additional Information:

  • Due to the lack of robust scientific evidence, the effectiveness of Bakson's Leuco Aid Tablets for leucorrhea may vary.
  • Consult a doctor before using this product, especially if you experience symptoms like itching, burning, or pain, as these could indicate an underlying infection.
  • Always follow the dosage instructions provided by your healthcare professional.

Dr.Kirti Vikram, a homeopath recommends Pelvi aid and 2 other remedies for effective lucorrhoea treatment. Know more here 

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