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Dr. Reckeweg

Dr. Reckeweg Acid Nitricum

Dr. Reckeweg Acid Nitricum

Regular price Rs. 137.75
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Dr. Reckeweg Acid Nitricum (Dilution)

Common Name:Nitric Acid, Aqua Fortis

Causes & Symptoms for Dr. Reckeweg Acid Nitricum

  • The action of Nitric acid is strongly marked at the mucocutaneous orifices and adjoining parts which includes the the region of the mouth and anus.
  • Itching, burning eruption between the fingers is relieved with help of Nitric acid.
  • Loss of breath and palpitation of heart on walking and going up stairs is a symptom of this medicine.
  • Swelling of the infra-maxillary glands, Inguinal glands swollen not painful with suppuration indicates Acid Nitricum.

Mind and Head

Mind easily affected, inclined to weep, quarrelsome, fits of rage and cursing, excessive weakness of memory.

The head pains generally are aggravated by riding in a car or by stepping hard.

Drawing and pressive pains in bones of head, with sensation as if they were constricted by a tape is resolved with Nitric acid.

Eyes, Ear, Nose and Mouth

Aching and shooting pains in eyes, Frequent lachrymation, especially when reading, with painful sensitiveness of eyes.

Glandular swelling behind and below the ear, from which stitching pains extend into the ear, Dryness in interior of ear is relieved with Nitric acid.

Hardness of hearing relieved while riding or in motion indicates this remedy.

Throat and Cough

Hoarseness, especially when talking for a long time is resolved with Nitric acid.

Great dryness and heat in the throat with redness and swollen tonsils.

Tickling Cough , seems to annoy all night, dry barking cough, especially in evening, on lying down.

Stomach and Abdomen

Sour eructation and rising of half-digested food in the mouth is indication of Nitric acid.

Nausea and vomiting along with headache; most symptoms occur after eating and at night with profuse sweat.

Accumulation of flauts in abdomen with Stitches in hepatic region, worse from motion. Tensive pressure and shootings in the left hypochondrium.

Stool and Urine

Moist soreness at the anus with burning and itching. Sticking pain in the rectum, chiefly when coughing and at stool.

Long pressing pains toward the rectum and anus; stool not hard but difficult, violent pains after stool, lasting for hours.

White or clear red deposit in the urine sometimes granular. Burning and soreness after urinating.

Male complaints

Male urethra painful to pressure; orifice swollen and red; discharge of bloody or thick yellow mucus indicates Nitric acid.

Swelling and drawing in the testes, warts and ulcer on the inner surface of the prepuce and on the glands is relieved with help of this medicine.

Female complaints

Nitric acid is beneficial in white discharges with offensive smell and with back pains.

Violent pains through abdomen after menses with muddy water, brown or thick white discharge

Menses reappearing a few days after cessation, and pale red, fourteen days after cessation, not profusely indicates Nitric acid.


Cracking joints, Jerking in muscles of arm, Warts on arms is benefited with Nitric acid.

Swelling of fingers, especially at joints, with shooting pain.

Constant coldness of feet with cramps in the calves and soles of the feet at night and towards morning on stretching out the feet.


Ulcers that bleed easily, Blackness of pores. Dryness of the skin and Itching with rash on face especally in open air points to Nitric acid.

Itching nettle-rash, also on face, and especially in open air.

Pimples with a red areola, leaving a hard lump after suppuration,

Dosage and rules while taking Dr. Reckeweg Acid Nitricum

Take 5 drops in half cup of water three times a day.

You can also medicate the globules and take 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.

We recommend you to take under physicians guidance.

Terms and Conditions

Homeopathic products have several uses and should be taken on the basis of symptom similarity. Results may vary depending upon the conditions.

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