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Dr. Reckeweg

Dr. Reckeweg Capsicum

Dr. Reckeweg Capsicum

Regular price Rs. 137.75
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Dr. Reckeweg Capsicum Annuum

Common name:Cayenne Pepper

Causes and symptoms for Dr. Reckeweg Capsicum Annuum

  • Capsicum Annuum has marked action on sore throat. Burning and smarting pain. Pain in throat extending to ears as from pepper in throat.
  • It is helpful in sore throat of smokers and drinkers. Cough with pain in different parts of the body. It is also a chief remedy for chronic hoarseness with constricted feeling associated with burning and smarting pain with intense soreness.
  • Capsicum annum is found beneficial in prostration and feeble digestion of alcoholics. In gastro-intestinal troubles like dyspepsia with flatulence with sinking in the pit of the stomach. It is also a remedy for dysentery when the stool is full of blood and mucus. Every stool is followed by thirst and every drink by shuddering.
  • Capsicum Annuum is also indicated in hemorrhoids with soreness in anus. Hemorrhoids protrude with smarting and burning pain, as if pepper had been sprinkled on them. After stool there is drawing pain in the back. It is also helpful in homesickness with sleeplessness and red cheeks.


- Nostalgia, drawn to the past, long for it.

-Homesickness (with red cheeks, sleeplessness).

-Kind of sweet melancholy, noble sadness.

- Sensitive.

- Insecure about social contacts, but doesn't withdraw.

- Offended easily.

-Ailments from emotional excitement.

- Shuts of emotions.

- Lack of feeling.

- Aversion of things that break away routine.

- Depression, anxiety

- Eventually indifference, desires stimulants. Clumsy, Indolent.

-Uncleanliness of body.

- Fear of getting into trouble, being criticized/censured, police.

- Sensitive to noise during chill.

- Obstinate, capricious children.

- Alcoholism.


- Obese, flabby, Chilly

- Burning pains, worse Cold application (Ars).

-Burning with chilliness.

- Slow, tired, weak constitution.

-Lack of reaction.

- Wants to achieve the maximum, with minimal effort

- Aversion of motion, which ameliorates.

Food and drinks

- Desire: pepper, alcohol, coffee.


- Bursting pain, worse coughing.

-Holds head on coughing.

- Migraine with forgetfulness and nausea.

-Headache better by motion, worse by rest.


- Burning and lachrymation (watery eyes) during cough.


- Mastoiditis (middle ear infection) with burning pain.

- Chronic suppuration of ears.


- Red but cold, tip hot.

- Colds and influenza with violent sneezing, burning.


- Neuralgia: fine needle-like pains, coursing along nerve, worse by touch, going to sleep.

- Burning pains worse by draft of air.

- Diffuse redness cheeks, nose, Flushing.

- Little red veins cheeks, nose (like in alcoholics).


- Burning, esp. tip of tongue.

- Stomatitis (infection of mouth)


- Inflammation with burning pain and dark redness; pain worse by coughing.

- Hoarseness.

- Hot, pungent air comes up from throat, worse by coughing, tasting bad.


- Burning pains worse after eating.

- Heartburn.

- Nausea after coffee.

- Great thirst before, during chill, after stool, diarrhea.


- Flatulent colic.

- Burning in food pipe.

- Colitis.


- Hemorrhoids with congested face.

- Burning pain in rectum.

-Tenesmus (recurrent inclination to evacuate the bowels)

- Urging after drinking.


- Tenesmus (passing urine frequently)

- Burning in orifice of urethra, worse urination, coughing.

Male genitalia

- Coldness of scrotum, atrophy of testes with loss of sensibility.

- Painful nightly erections.

Female genitalia

- Menses irregular with pain in left ovarian region.

- Climacteric disturbances.


-Worse by coffee, evening; better by drinking cold water.


- Lumbago, sciatica.

- Pain on coughing.

- Sensation of cold water dropping down back.


- Pain on coughing.

- Stiffness worse after rest, starting to move; better by continued motion.

- Pain in hip-joint, ext. to feet, worse by coughing, touch.


- Sleepless worse after midnight; from emotions, homesickness, cough.

- Dreams about the past.

- As if falling from a height during sleep (Thuja).


- Burning, stitching, itching.

- Flabby.

Dosage and rules while taking Dr. Reckeweg Capsicum Annuum

Take 5 drops in half cup of water three times a day.

You can also medicate the globules and take 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.

We recommend you to take under physicians guidance.

Precautions while taking Dr. Reckeweg Capsicum Annuum

Always keep a gap of 15 minutes before or after meals when you take medicine.

If pregnant or breastfeeding, ask a homeopathic practitioner before use.

Avoid eating tobacco or drinking alcohol during the course of medication.

Terms and Conditions

Homeopathic products have several uses and should be taken on the basis of symptom similarity. Results may vary depending upon the conditions.

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