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Dr. Reckeweg

Dr. Reckeweg Pulsatilla

Dr. Reckeweg Pulsatilla

Regular price Rs. 137.75
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Dr. Reckeweg Pulsatilla Nigricans(Dilution)

Tincture of entire fresh plant when in flower (it flowers in spring and again in autumn)

Common Name:Anemone, Wind flower, Pulsatilla pratensis(Hahnemann’s Pulsatilla)

Causes & Symptoms for Dr. Reckeweg Pulsatilla Nigricans

  • Pulsatilla is aggravated by wet cold, like getting the feet wet while walking in a cold rain.
  • Pulsatilla produces vertigo or dizziness, which occurs while sitting, after eating, after stooping relieved while walking or sitting in the open air
  • A white-coated tongue is an indication for Pulsatilla.
  • Toothache whenever anything quite warm is taken into the mouth marks this remedy to be given.
  • Food tastes as if too salt is a characteristic of Pulsatilla Indication.
  • In complete absence of thirst Pulsatilla is the remedy of service.
  • Varicose veins can be painful, distended and engorged, Ulcers surrounded by varicose veins are common in this remedy.

Mind and Head

Pulsatilla is indicated in patients who have a weepy, crying nature, anxious in nature.

In children who desire carrying and consolation, this remedy gives good results.

For anger at trifles, sudden anger, temper tantrums Pulsatilla works well.

Eye, Ear, Nose

Styes about the eyes, stitching, and especially itching with severe aching, with a sensation as if a foreign body were in the eye and great lachrymation in the open air is relieved with this remedy

Internally, itching, stitching and tearing sensations in the ear, discharge of pus from the ear, in ordinary catarrhal otitis indicated Pulsatilla gives good results.

Coryza; stoppage of right nostril mostly in the evening points to this remedy.

Cough and chest

There is a dry evening cough in Pulsatilla and a loose morning cough.

Constricted feeling in the chest in the evening. Stuffed up in the evening, making breathing difficult indicates Pulsatilla.

Palpitation from lying on the left side, dryness and rawness in the chest. Wandering tearing pains in the chest.

Stomach and abdomen

Nausea at the thought or smell of food is releived with help of this remedy

Pulsatilla has an aggravation from rich, fat and creamy foods, like ice cream and pastries,tenderness; whole abdomen, stomach and pelvic organs sensitive to touch.

Female complaints

In Menses that are delayed, difficult and scanty, or even fail altogether; Pulsatilla is a remedy of service.

During the menses, downward pressure in the abdomen and sacral region, stomachache and faintings; all worse in the warm room and by much exertion.

White discharge like a cream, thick and is most profuse after menstruation, producing a burning pain is helped with Pulsatilla.

Urinary complaints

Frequent pressure to urinate, and cutting, Burning pain in the urethra during the act of micturition is relieved with help of this remedy

Stool and Rectum

Frequent desire for stool with insufficient evacuation or no faeces, Pulsatilla produces diarrhoea at night.

Pulsatilla has painful blind haemorrhoids, with itching and sticking pains and soreness.


Complaints are aggravated by stooping, in the evening, afetr eating and better by Motion

In males; Testes swollen, hanging low, and painful; tensive and tearing pains is checked with Pulsatilla

The swelling and heat of the knee and ankle-joints, as well as of the small joints of the fingers and toes, together with the drawing, tense pain in them, and the accompanying symptoms of the digestive tract, suggests Pulsatilla

The pains are relieved by motion and by cool air, but the abdominal pains relieved by warmth indicates this remedy.

Sleepiness after even a moderate meal with sleeplessness in the evening due to wide ideas and sleep is somewhat troubled and restless, with talking, frequent waking points to Pulsatilla.

Pain in the back, lumbar and sacral regions; wandering pains, better from slow motion. Pain in small of back as if sprained;

Tearing pains relieved by lying on the painful side indicates Pulsatilla.

Dosage and rules while taking Dr. Reckeweg Pulsatilla Nigricans

Take 5 drops in half cup of water three times a day.

You can also medicate the globules and take 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.

We recommend you to take under physicians guidance.

Terms and Conditions

Homeopathic products have several uses and should be taken on the basis of symptom similarity. Results may vary depending upon the condi

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