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Dr. Reckeweg

Dr. Reckeweg Sulphur

Dr. Reckeweg Sulphur

Regular price Rs. 137.75
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A saturated solution of Sulphur in absolute alcohol constitutes the tincture.

Common Name:Brimstone

Causes & Symptoms for Sulphur

  • Intolerably agreeable, tingling, itching pimples and vesicles aggarvated at night indicates Sulphur.
  • Flushes of heat; rush of blood to head, chest, heart pertaining to irregular distribution of the circulation is a feature of Sulphur.
  • Heat and burning sensation of all parts or coldness, sweating of many parts.
  • The orifices are not only red and congested, but they are sore and hypersensitive as well; the passage of all discharges or excretions is painful
  • (red ears, red nose; red eyelids and red borders round eyelids: brilliant red lips; bright red anus in children; red meatus urinarius; red vulva)
  • Suited to Lean, stoop-shouldered persons, who walk and sit stooped, standing is the most uncomfortable position.
  • Dirty, filthy people, with greasy skin, and long, straight, matted hair, prone to skin affections.
  • Sulphur acts on the whole respiratory tract, from the nose to the lung tissues.
  • Children are emaciated, old-looking faces, big bellies, with dry and flabby skin.

Mind and head

Constantly theorizing with various ideas, philosophical talks, Imaginative, Anxiety about health points to Sulphur patients.

It is the remedy for a large number of headaches, headaches occurring every week, every month.

Sick-headaches are accompanied by red face and hot head, are better in warm room, Pulsation in head with heat in brain, pulsation of carotid arteries and of heart is relieved with Sulphur.

Eye, ear, Nose, Throat

Conjunctivitis with the sensation of grit in the eyes, Red and burning lid margins.

Profuse lachrymation, especially in open air, or great dryness of eyes, worse in a room is recovered with Sulphur.

Sharp or drawing pains, or shootings in ears, Discharge from both ears, offensive smell is relieved with this remedy.

Dry coryza, or fluent coryza, with copious secretion of mucus, Tip of nose red and shiny.

Stomach and abdomen:

Heartburn and Indigestion, Heaviness and fullness, or pressure and compression

People who refer all their sufferings to the epigastrium; everything affects me there indicates Sulphur

Retching and vomiting of food, and of acid or bitter substances is relieved with Sulphur.

Tight crampy feeling in the stomach on laughing and sneezing indicates sulphur.

Chest and Cough

Cough with expectoration during day, without expectoration at night

Respiration and conversation sometimes excite the cough. Feels suffocated, wants doors and windows wide open.

Weakness of chest, felt particularly when speaking, with great fatigue in lungs after speaking is relieved with sulphur.

Urinary complaints

Frequent, profuse, and watery urine, sometimes gushing out with much force

Both flow of urine and discharge of fæces are painful to parts over which they pass.

Male and Female complaints

Itching about genitals on going to bed at night is relieved with sulphur.

Escape of prostatic fluid, chiefly when urinating and while at stool points to this remedy.

Promotes expulsion of moles, Hot flushes at climaxis, with hot head, hands, and feet, and great goneness in stomach

Cracks in nipples, with burning sensation, easily bleeding, and ulceration, Nodosities in mammae is relieved with sulphur.

Upper and Lower Limbs

Swelling of hands and thumbs, Great burning in palms, Warts on fingers, Ulcers about nails is relieved with this remedy.

Swelling and inflammation of points of fingers, with subcutaneous ulceration and boring and pulsative pains at night.


Sudden and frequent flushes of heat all over body, followed by perspiration, hot palms, soles, and vertex, faintness in epigastrium in forenoon.

Worse eleven am, 12 noon, midnight, morning, evening, night, after midnight

Swelling and suppuration of axillary glands

Side effects of Sulphur

There are no such side effects. But every medicine should be taken following the rules as given.

Dosage and rules while taking Sulphur

Take 5 drops in half cup of water three times a day.

You can also medicate the globules and take 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.

We recommend you to take under physicians guidance.

Terms and Conditions

Homeopathic products have several uses and should be taken on the basis of symptom similarity. Results may vary depending upon the conditions.

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